De Pere Showtimes
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Box Office opens 30 minutes before showtime
Snow White (PG)
Tuesday (March 25) 1:20 4:00 6:40
***Discount day - $5 admissions, $2 small popcorn, $2 medium soda***
Wednesday (March 26) 1:20 4:00 6:40
Monday (March 24) 12:45 3:15
**$1 off any combo**
*** $2 small popcorn & $2 medium soda ***
Thursday (March 27) 1:20 4:00 6:40
*** $2 off any pizza ***
Friday (March 28) 1:00 3:30 6:00
Saturday (March 29) 12:00 3:00 6:00
Sunday (March 30) 1:30
Coming Soon
Minecraft (PG)
April 2025
In the film, four misfits are pulled through a portal into a cubic world that thrives on imagination, having no choice but to master the world while embarking on a quest with an unexpected, expert crafter.
Green and Gold (PG13)
Draft weekend - April 25-May 1
Green and Gold is a 2025 American drama film written by Anders Lindwall, Steven Shafer, Michael Graf, and Missy Mareau Garcia, directed by Anders Lindwall and starring Craig T. Nelson. The film is about a Wisconsin farmer who bets on the Green Bay Packers to help save his farm.